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We help promote the following products for soul and planetary evolution.

Pyramid Essences

These essences are made by Antera and Omaran inside the Mt Shasta Pyramid, under the direction of Isis and the guardian of the pyramid. Pyramid energy charged up in water and quartz crystal, for specific qualities or customized. Very powerful!

Land Healer CD, by Antera and Omaran

This CD is specially prepared by Antera and Omaran for land healers, containing a guided meditation that leads you through the process as well as original land healing songs and chants. Best used after taking the class Become a Powerful Land Healer so you can do your own land healing ceremonies to clear your home and property.

Twin Flames: A True Story of Soul Reunion, book by Antera

A compelling story of True Love, the intense coming together of twin souls Antera and Omaran, through nearly unsurmountable obstacles, which triggered both deep healing and profound spiritual awakenings.

Twin Flames, music CD by Antera & Omaran

The story from the book has been made into a musical by Antera and Omaran, and the songs released on this CD. Contemporary soft-rock arrangements, beautiful harmonies and inspiring lyrics.

Message, music CD single by Antera & Omaran

Two songs: "A Message from Jesus," a touching song channeled from Master Jesus asking us to let go of old ways of doing things and allow forgiveness and compassion to guide our actions; "Now--Lightworkers' Anthem," a stirring call for all lightworkers to unite and carry out our mission bring in the Golden Age.

Ascension Tree Essences

These eight potent essences are made by Antera and Omaran for Lightworkers (healers, teachers, and initiates), under the direction of Archangel Metatron. From sacred Mt. Tamalpais in California.

Becoming a Master

A home-study course on tape channeled through Antera by the Council of Seven, for people ready for an accelerated spiritual path. Powerfully transformative, with processes that can be used again and again.