PART 1: March 12 - April 9, 2025
PART 2: July 16 - August 20, 2025
Wednesdays, 4:00 - 5:30 pm Pacific Time

This series will help you build your personal connection with nature. The next evolutionary step for humanity is to live in cooperation with our planet and nature. In this class, you will learn to deeply understand, balance, and sense the four elements: air, fire, water, and earth, as well as the nature spirits. You will gather knowledge as well as direct experience through practical exercises.

This section gives a deeper understanding of the elements and how they affect you, your environment, and your life, as well as how to keep them in balance within your system and surroundings. This balance creates positive change and greater spiritual evolution. You will also heal your relationship to each element by releasing past life traumas with them.

In this section, you will study the nature spirits and how to work with them, inviting them to participate and cooperate with you. These exciting beings will enrich your life, opening you up to a whole new way of looking at the world. This important relationship will increase your connection with nature as you learn how to communicate and cooperate with them.

Antera is a spiritual teacher and counselor, author, intuitive healer, and channeler. She lives in Mt Shasta with her twin flame and husband Omaran, where they founded the nonprofit Center for Soul Evolution and built the Mt Shasta Pyramid. For more info on her see their websites and

Cost for each Six-Week Part: $333. Deposit: $133
Prerequisite: Aligning Forces. Also recommended: Optimal Human Beingness and Shifting Into Peace
This class is a requirement for level 8 in the CSE Mystery School.
Register now.