From St. Germain:
New Year Message

[Through Antera on January 1, 2025.]

Center for Soul Evolution
Mystery School
Upcoming Events

Initiations in the Order of Melchizedek
June 20-22, 2025 in Mt Shasta

Our annual spiritual gathering. Being initiated into this cosmic order in the presence of spiritual family and friends gives you a big boost to your spiritual path and higher purpose, and a closer relationship with the Ascended Masters. You will meet a wonderful group of people, too!

Letting It All Go!
Releasing Karma and Pain from Your Past.

Ongoing Monthly Webinar Series. Clear the slate on your personal and ancestral histories. A different theme every month.

Optimal Human Beingness:
Understanding and Evolving Your Four-Body System.
Webinar January 14 - March 11.

This is the foundational class you will wish you had taken as a child to prepare you for life as a human being! Valuable training to assist you in raising the vibration of all your systems and accelerating the balanced evolution of your soul.

Land Healing

Learn a highly effective way to clear harmful energies, working with Masters, angels and nature spirits, helping this planet and humanity. Beginning class is by home study.

Order of the Blue Snake
Next initiation:
Feb 5 - 19

Home Study. Empower yourself during these changing times and promote the balance between male and female energies. Receive healing tools from Divine Mother in this life-changing initiation. Join a wonderful group of lightworkers in a supportive spiritual community.

More Upcoming Classes.

Complete Class List

Center for Soul Evolution
A nonprofit organization.

Welcome to 2025, one quarter of this century! This promises to be another very interesting year to those of us who watch humanity, with various opportunities and choices and dramas!

This will undoubtably be another highly opportunistic year, one where beings who are incarnated can progress very fast, taking the opportunity to fly to the top. Or they may choose to sink lower and delay their progress. But you know everyone is going to make it, it just takes longer for many. Our job is to show people the faster routes so that you can all progress in a way that is very beneficial to the planet and to the souls inhabiting it.

These opportunities will come moment-to-moment. It is not one big choice that matters, it is all the little choices! It is the daily decisions you make that determine whether you are reaping positive, spiritual rewards from your choices, or getting results that are not so beneficial. The little choices. This is a year to make choices that can really push you forward spiritually.

Reassess your priorities if you have allowed your spiritual growth to take a back seat to human drama. Open to a faster path! Choose your spiritual progress above everything else! Then you will achieve so much more. This is what you really want. Your priorities need to reflect what the soul wants and not what the ego wants. This is the fastest path! This is the spiritual progress that can be made this year. Put your spiritual practice of meditation and taking classes at a high priority. Allow time for it every day in your life, as a choice.

I hear many of you say, "Oh, I don't have time. I am so stressed for time! I can't fit meditation into my schedule. I can't do those things I really want to do unless something changes in my life!" But I'm here to tell you that it's all about priorities, ALL! There is always some way you can fit it in, there are always some activities you can let go of and replace them with meditation, reading inspirational books, and opening to your spiritual path, as a high priority.

This year it is critical! So, find your path and the supportive people who can help you on that path and move forward this year. This is the best advice I can give everyone who is incarnated now. You are in a time of great opportunity for fast growth, and more tools than ever are available to help you grow and heal.

And there is a focus, a very powerful focus, of Grace on this planet for all of humanity who are open to it. That means you can let go of your past mistakes and potential karma very quickly now, if you take advantage of it, if you put a high priority on your growth and open to forgiveness and Grace, just as we did on in the solstice meditation. Open to this even more. Allow it to wash over you. If you are upset with someone, let it go. Let go of all the grudges, let go of the way you are holding yourself back by not forgiving yourself. Open to this flow of Grace. This is such an opportunity.

You do not want to go past this and regret not taking advantage of it, regret not putting your spiritual path first. To avoid regrets, make your choice now. The beginning of the year is a fantastic time to make a choice in your life that will benefit you, the soul, and you, the higher self, pushing you forward fast. If you open to this, you will be so glad you did.

We hope to see many more people progressing at a faster rate and realizing that they do not need to put so much attention on the outer world. Turning inward is the fast track! Healing yourself, moving forward on your spiritual path through initiations, and progressing so your soul makes the choices rather than your ego and pain.

It is so easy, from our perspective, to make this happen. But we all understand the challenges. Most of us have been incarnated. Making these positive choices is huge! And we understand all the distractions you have in life, more than ever! Because there are so many souls incarnated now, the distraction levels are off the charts. But so is the level of compassion and kindness, and the loving embrace of all of us and the angels around you!

So if you move forward in a fast way this year you will have so much support! Just ask for it, ask for help with your choices, ask for support and love and Grace! We love you all dearly, and we know you're going to have a fantastic year! Thank you all for being incarnated at this exciting time. WE LOVE YOU!

Copyright 2025 Antera and Omaran.
Permission is given to share with others in its entirety with source credit.