First Monday of each Month
4:00-5:30pm Pacific Time

Clear the slate on your personal and ancestral histories! Being on a spiritual path requires that we all heal limiting and painful energies from our past. This brings us more into present time so we can create our perfect lives now, even while our world is undergoing big changes.

This series of powerful webinars targets patterns that Antera has found repeatedly in clients through the years. Almost everyone holds these energies inside, often without being conscious of them, until they are brought up and released. This clearing of limiting patterns includes this lifetime as well as past lives.

Sessions will include Emotional Freedom Techniques, guided meditations, and affirmations so you can continue integration afterwards. This is an inexpensive way to make big changes in your life!

"I have very much benefitted from your webinar series Letting It All Go! These webinars were just as you characterized them, powerful, effective and fast. I have felt the effects internally, as well as manifestations in my outer life. I learned a lot of new things about every issue presented. Plus, many conclusions that I had come to myself, you confirmed for me. With gratitude!"

2024 TOPICS:

Self discipline is something we all need to learn. Discover how you are sabotaging yourself by giving in to habits and behaviors that prevent you from having a healthy, happy life.

Our world is full of distractions and it can be challenging to keep mental focus strong these days. Multitasking trains the mind to have a short attention span. You can let go of the need to be distracted, and habits of being easily distracted.

We have all had our trust broken by people, organizations, government, religions and in other ways. This pain can cause imbalances in our ability to know who to trust, making us trust too much or not enough.

Separation from loved ones or abandonment is a common theme, happening in many ways over and over through our livetimes. Feeling separated from Divine Presence or our own Higher Self can be the deepest pain of all.

There are many sources of interefering energies in our world, from the thoughts and feelings of people we know to entities and more serious psychic attack. Clearing these opens the way for a smoother life.

Rescheduled to July 8: CRITICISM
We will remove patterns of being criticized, which can be a form of abuse and cause lasting limiting thoughts, especially from childhood. It can become the inner critic as an adult. Also, we will release ways you may be criticizing and judging others.

August 5: GREED
One of biggest issues causing problems in our world, and one we have all experienced at some time in the past. Greed makes people hurt others. Heal your own greed as well as your hurt from others' actions based on greed.

September 2: NEED FOR DRAMA
There is plenty of opportunity in this world to engage in drama. If you often have drama in your life, there may be a deep need for problems, even an addiction to drama. This you can let go once you are aware of it.

Power is a big issue in our culture. Let go of abuse of power, giving away your power, fear of owning your power, pain and persecution for being powerful in your past, and control issues of all kinds.

For over 30 years, Antera has been a psychic healer, spiritual counselor and teacher, EFT practitioner, author, and channeler. She lives in Mt Shasta with her twin flame and husband Omaran, where they founded the nonprofit Center for Soul Evolution and built the Mt Shasta Pyramid. For more info on her see their websites and

Cost: each session $35. All nine: $280 (one free)
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Includes a recording of the guided meditation presented in class.