No More Food.... Ever?

by Antera

It took us by surprise when we received the guidance that said we had the option of going off food entirely. We knew from experience that when our guidance made a "suggestion" like that, we needed to take them seriously, but this was really far out, and broke into some strong beliefs about the physical body. We had both heard of breatharians, but hadn’t thought it was really possible in this day and age. Then, a book seemed to "pop" off the shelf of a bookstore, which was about a woman who did it, ("Living on Light" by Jasmuheen) and after reading it the idea grew on us. Since moving up to Mt. Shasta, we had been so full of the God-force that it did indeed make sense to let that same force nourish and sustain our cells. It was a way to really bring the Divine Presence fully into every cell of the body, which we had been working on for years. We became fully convinced, and made plans. As is often the case, the entire Divine Plan around this was not fully revealed to us until later.

We started a cleansing program in preparation, eating only green vegetables for a week then only fruit for two weeks. We had been doing cleanses several times a year for a long time, and thought that our bodies were in pretty good shape for it. The culmination was planned to be at the summer solstice ceremony. We stopped all food three days before the ceremony, which happened to be a weekend of parties to celebrate the graduation from college of one of our sons. Talk about difficult! It seemed like all we did was watch people eat all weekend! Of course, we told them we were fasting, which they thought pretty weird on such an occasion. Several people asked how long we were fasting, and I answered, "We generally go three days before a ceremony," which satisfied them. Once I said in a joking manner, "Indefinitely." They laughed and didn’t ask again.

During the solstice ceremony, Omaran and I underwent an initiation to receive a transmission from the Divine Presence that would bring It into every cell. The transmission was so powerful that I had to hoot and laugh, I was so full of joy! Omaran didn’t feel that way, and had doubts about whether he had really received anything. When I asked St. Germain later, he told Omaran that he had gotten it but it would take a few days to filter in.

We thought at that time that we were done with the process and would be on to other things, but came to find out that our bodies were just beginning to adjust! Our energy was low, we got dizzy if we stood up too quickly, and at times our stomachs hurt. I asked Mother Mary about it and she told us it would take a few more weeks to undergo the full transition period, during which the cells that can’t take the leap to the Light find their way out of the body, and the others adjust. She suggested resting as much as possible with our schedules.

A few more weeks! That was disappointing. And right in the middle of building our home! We simply couldn’t take time to rest. After two weeks had passed, I really asked for it. One night before sleep I put my hands on my abdomen and talked to all my interior organs, telling them that I wanted them to completely purge themselves of any toxins or waste they were carrying. The very next day I felt absolutely horrible, as the purging accelerated. I could hardly stand up without falling over. And I thought my body was clean… I knew that some very deeply buried toxins were coming out.

This period of time was especially hard because we had guests in our home off and on, and we both had to pretend that we felt fine so they would not worry about us! We had decided not to tell anyone, especially not our families, until we had been without food for several months, and they wouldn’t be able to refute the fact that we were alive and healthy. Most people have the idea that people can only go without food for 30 days or so. But our two most open-minded sons visited, and we couldn’t keep it from them. Their reactions were not what we expected. One said, "Wow, that would be a dream come true, and so freeing not to have to eat again." The other said, "But why would you want to do that? Eating is one of the pleasures of life! I definitely DO NOT approve!" We had to strike a deal that we’d see a doctor for a physical after two months, to ease his fears.

After about three weeks, I reached bottom one day when I was so weak that Omaran came home to find me up in the loft, crying and laughing at the same time at how pitiful I felt. I had been trying to change the guest bed for about 45 minutes, and had only barely gotten the sheets off and wrapped around me. He carried me downstairs and finished the job. I then cried for a long time, releasing all the suffering of human existence and all we have gone through to become one with the Divine Presence again. I gave up everything, including my life, to the God-Force. Afterwards, I felt much better. I started improving daily in strength and health.

Omaran was working very hard physically the whole time, making the very complicated passive solar foundation for our home, plus working his other construction jobs. Over the weeks he lost a lot of weight and his energy slowly waned. I started to be concerned when several times he stood up too quickly and completely blacked out, finding himself on the floor without knowing how he got there. I started following him around the house so I could catch him, which I did a few times. As his body got weaker, he was forced to face a powerlessness that he had never known. He has such an iron will and a body that matches it, that never before in his life had he been absolutely unable to get it to do what he wanted. He had trouble accepting help even from me, and fought my efforts to do things for him. It was very difficult, but both of us had strong faith, and we hoped he would hit bottom and then start improving like I had done.

After the sixth week, Omaran had hit bottom but was not recovering. I was feeling good and taking hikes without him as my strength came back. On one of these hikes on the mountain, I thought I saw a purple light in a grove of trees to the side of the trail. I dismissed it, but a few steps farther I saw it again. So I was drawn over to the spot, and sat on a rotted out log to see what was going on.

Immediately, I got the message, "Omaran’s life is in danger." That got my attention! I asked for clarification.

"If he doesn’t rest he will lose the body." I asked more and was told that I should watch him, do all I could for him so he could rest more, and go with him every day for a while to watch him work on our house, to make sure he doesn’t work too hard or feint, and to give him energy while I work on clearing manzanita.

Well, I tried to do everything I could for him after that, insisting that he relax when he could, and once he realized the seriousness of his condition, he reluctantly allowed me to wait on him. But he didn’t really know the meaning of the word "rest," because he had never needed to before! Even with this attempt, his body was still going downhill, continuing to lose weight. The Overlighting Deva of Healing came through me one evening and I asked her whether he should go back to eating. She said, "Not yet," which we both interpreted as meaning he still had a chance to make it. She gave him an exercise to do several times a day to bring the Light into every cell and nourish them. This he did diligently, and it seemed to help for a while.

The solar eclipse was coming up, and we had been asked to camp on the mountain for a few days to help stabilize and balance the energies coming in. It also gave Omaran a few days away from work. He was so weak that I did most of the preparations and carrying of equipment to our favorite spot, and set up camp. We arose at 2:30 in the morning and lit our campfire, holding the light steady during the eclipse, which we did by chanting, meditating, drumming, etc. until about 7:00, when we were told that others were taking over somewhere and we could rest. We collapsed into bed for a long nap.

That was the last activity for Omaran, other than slowly walking around the campsite. I took over as his nursemaid, tending to him as if he had a very serious illness. As he rested over the next couple of days, we expected him to start feeling better, but he was weaker each day. I became even more alarmed when I saw his naked body while he was laying in the sun for a few minutes. He looked like a skeleton! I did not let on how alarmed I was, but I started having serious doubts about his being able to continue. It was clear that his body was not being fed, whereas my body had stopped losing weight after the first three weeks, stabilizing to a weight that was perfect for me.

That afternoon in meditation, the Overlighting Deva of Healing told me that she and Mother Mary would like to talk to Omaran directly. So Mother Mary came through first and said, in part:

….Your body will have to go back to food. Your reserves are gone. And though you have come very close to living totally on the God-Force energy, there is still not the reserve to carry you the rest of the way. It is, of course, your choice, but I highly recommend that as soon as you get back [home], you start on light foods….

I want you to know that all the gains you have made throughout this period are permanent, and you will still have such a strong connection [to guidance], even starting back into food. This is not a temporary condition that depends on whether you eat or not. These are very permanent lessons and insights and gains that you have made…. Because you had to work so hard, and you depleted your reserves in your work, this is by far the best path for you.

And do not in any way think that this was a failure! This was a very successful time for you! You have gone through so much and processed so much during this period of time that it will always be with you…. But you need to replenish your strength or you will not be able to survive, much less do all the work you have planned the rest of this year.

I would also like you to treat everything you eat as sacred. It is like eating for the first time. It is like being a baby; you have undergone a rebirth, you have died to much of yourself that is not God-based, and are being reborn. So you are feeding all new cells as you build them up and allow them to multiply again. Think about what that means – as you build up your body again, and create new muscle, new tissue, these cells are being born of the Light of the Divine. And everything you eat is feeding these new cells as well as the old ones, and encouraging the God Presence in every part of your physical continuation.

It is also a good idea to check with your guidance before you eat anything or decide what you will be eating, to make sure you are eating exactly what your body needs. In this way, you become much more conscious of what you are eating, much more conscious of the whole physical experience.

Antera, it will be your challenge to NOT eat while Omaran eats. We would like you, if you choose, to stay off food while you are tending him and cooking for him. If this is too difficult, you may also go back to food. But so far, your body is handling the change fairly well, and if you choose, you may stay off food for now.

….You are both so blessed., so very, very blessed! All of this has been for the higher good, even the pain you have gone through, all for the higher good; all for your own mastery. It is such a blessing on the planet to have you here."

After the initial disappointment, Omaran started having one insight after another, as if he was going through ten lifetimes of lessons in a few days. He shared them with me, and I was continually amazed at what he was getting from the experience. His heart was totally open, he had let go of everything, given up everything in his life to God. All the lessons that he had been taught over the past few years, he finally GOT at a deep level of experience, whereas before they had just been words and concepts. His was the deepest and most profound awakening I’ve ever witnessed.

I went another week without food, but had such fun shopping for and preparing the best organic foods for him, that I was really looking forward to eating also, and was joyous when I was finally told to go ahead. Even though the experiment did not turn out as we expected, it did turn out much better! We got so much out of it in ways we did not expect, me in my inner perceptions and health, and Omaran in his intuition and spiritual growth. Just knowing that I can go without food if I want is a miracle to me. The Divine Plan has unfolded perfectly once again!

Afterword From Omaran

As difficult as it was, there wasn’t one part of my 56 days without food (Antera went 63 days and could have gone on indefinitely) that wasn’t worth it. None of the breakthroughs that I received would have happened if I thought it was only for a set amount of time, such as eight weeks. I know my mind would have been thinking, "Ah, only __ more days to go, I can make it." But because I thought it was forever, I was led along paths I would not have consciously chosen, such as giving up all my control over everything.

All my life, if I wanted to do something, learn some new skill, whatever, all I had to do was set my mind to it, and then go learn and do it. But with the loss first of my physical strength, then my mental facilities, about all I could do was sit and watch others do what I had always done, and even then I wasn’t very good at sitting.

Finally, my attachment to "having to do all the time" broke down, and in a sobbing fit I acknowledged to myself and God that I couldn’t do things by my will alone anymore. The relief! The joy! The ecstasy! For the last 30 years of my life, my deepest core wish was to be able to have the courage to live my life on faith alone. Finally, with all my reserves gone, my body withering away, my mind lagging, I was able to let go and commit to God/Goddess and let that will be mine. I had to have everything taken away to learn this powerful lesson.

Would this path be good for someone else? I have no idea. Would I recommend it for anyone else? Certainly not, we all get to find our own path back to Source. Am I glad I did it? Down to the deepest core of my being.

Antera, so full of love, has continued to nurse me back to a healthful state, making that her first priority as she has spent hours every day shopping, cooking, cleaning, nurturing, and loving, as well as maintaining the rest of her busy schedule. My and our blessings are countless! I send you all my love and wish each of you the most joy-filled journey back to Source. THAT we all deserve.

Copyright 1999, A&O Syzygy, all rights reserved. Written permission is required to reproduce in any form.