What does it mean to be on a spiritual path? Why are you here? Who are you? These questions arise when your consciousness awakens and you begin your search for the deeper meaning of life, beyond the physical world. This class covers the basics of what it means to embark on a journey back to the Divine as you evolve spiritually.

When you first start to awaken, it can be overwhelming to realize how much you have been missing. The awakening sometimes comes as a spiritual crisis such as illness or accident, or as a mystical experience. Or perhaps you meet someone who opens your mind and spirit to new ideas. Whatever prompts your search, this class will give you the basic guidelines of what to expect and how to navigate.

  • how to get on your path
  • what to expect
  • pitfalls along the way
  • spiritual practice
  • higher perspective with family and friends
  • religion v.s. spirituality
  • balanced evolution of the soul

Antera is a spiritual teacher and counselor, intuitive healer, author, and channeler. She lives in Mt Shasta with her twin flame and husband Omaran, where they founded the nonprofit Center for Soul Evolution and Order of the Blue Snake, and built the Mt Shasta Pyramid. For more info on her see their websites twinsong.us and soulevolution.org. .

Cost: $35
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