Home Study Course

The negative thoughts, emotions, and traumas of people tend to linger in buildings and land areas unless they are deliberately cleared out. These damaging energies subtly influence us, affecting moods, thoughts, behavior, and creating limiting patterns in our lives. They also create imbalances that can bring on natural disasters, as Mother Earth attempts to purify herself.

This workshop will teach you how to safely release these negative energies using a powerful land healing technique created by Antera and Omaran through ancient memories, guidance from Ascended Masters and nature spirits, and field experimentation. You will learn how to work with the elements, nature spirits, sound, sacred space, and visualization. Afterwards, you will be able to easily use this technique in your home or office using the CD.
Antera and Omaran are a twin flame couple who live in Mt Shasta, California. They have taught spiritual growth classes and led ceremonies together for 20 years. They travel around the world creating the Earth Healing Grid and teaching land healing. For more info on them see their websites: SoulEvolution.org and Twinsong.us.

Cost: $125 -- INCLUDES the "Land Healers" CD and shipping to US addresses.
$20 less if you already have the CD, $10 more for non-US addresses.
A high-speed internet connection is required.
The class takes about six hours, you will go at your own pace with guidance.
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